Une matinée des rejetés

by | srp 24, 2013 | Home, Links | 0 comments


Une matinée des rejetés presents 8 performances and its makers. Combining different practices but having in common the awareness and commitment to the work, this programme reveals a fresh, unique and personal approach from each artist to the performance arts.

This programme is part of the kick off of Rotterdam 2013-2014 culture’s programme – 24uurcultuurrotterdam.

Welcome to our matinee!

Kolekcija radova i proizvoda Ivane Filip inspirirana je njenim dugogodišnjim istraživanjem, brigom i bliskim suživotom s neljudima. Proizvodi predstavljaju nastavak razvoja njene umjetničke prakse s nadom da će pridonijeti i vašem bliskijem odnosu s neljudima, a možda usrećiti i blisku osobu. Svaki mjesec donirat ćemo 10% mjesečnog dobitka udrugama za zaštitu životinja u RH.

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