Ovo je mjesto gdje su mačke zakon. I psi, mravi, biljke, drveće…
Svaki dan je nova prilika za kreativniji pristup svemu što radimo pa se isto razvijao i moj pristup umjetničkom izražaju. U samim počecima je bio vezan uz crno-bijelu fotografiju, preko ekpresije i djela koja su izričaji unutarnjih stanja, ne nužno vezana uz određeni koncept ili namjeru, do opsežnijih radova kojima promišljam odnos čovjeka i drugih-životinja. One su za mene ogledala nas samih, naši suputnici, jednako inteligentni i posebni.
Blog sam započela kao mjesto prezentacije radova, a sada, nakon nekog vremena, oživljavam ga pisanjem o kreativnom procesu, radovima koji me inspiriraju, kreativnosti u suradnji sa životinjama, kreativnosti samih životinja, promišljanjem čovjeka kao jednog od bića mnoštva, onoga što ga pokreće i oplemenjuje mu svijest.
Hvala na dolasku!
Book preview: Urban Animals: Crowding in zoocities by Tora Holmberg
Let us remember that animals are not mere resources for human consumption. They are splendid beings in their own right, who have evolved alongside us as co-inheritors of all the beauty and abundance of life on this planet. - Marc Bekoff Recently I wrote a book preview of Tora…
Fast lesson in losing control or “6 feet dérive” pronto
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.― Amelia Earhart How can I…
Sing it on, Dance it off!
I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think. - Rumi Recently I read the book Urban Animals: Crowding in Zoocities by Tora Holmberg about the close coexistence of humans and animals in urban communities. She selects a set of research…
The start is not the end
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” - Martin Luther King Jr. I wrote this short story / biographic note in 2016 for the final thesis while preparing my final exam at the art academy. And the story goes… I saw the opportunity to take my two cats…
Olgica aka Why do you take it so personal?
I wrote “Olgica aka Why do you take it so personal?” short story in 2015 while studying fine arts at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie where I enjoyed my second studies and my second youth. I found myself lucky to get accepted to study there as I was, even in my 30ies,…
Why animals? Introduction.
What distinguished man from animals was the human capacity for symbolic thought, the capacity which was inseparable from the development of language in which words were not mere signals, but signifiers of something other than themselves. Yet the first symbols were animals. What distinguished men from animals was born of…
Are you an artist only when you earn as one?
"Don't give up. It's really important to trust your impulses as an artist no matter what anybody else says." - Judy Chicago Some time ago in a conversation with my colleague and an artist, he expressed his opinion that one can title herself/himself an artist when one earns her/his main…
What to do today?
“Whatever you’re meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible.” - Doris Lessing It has been another week full of life, the good, the bad, the weird. But the Monday comes, and I ask – can you tell me what to do today? It is yet…
Quo Vadis?
I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t know where my home is, I’m like a bird… In the time of passage such as these times, often we wonder about the point - where all this shall lead us. We are divided among ourselves on those who trust and those…
Who do you think you are?
Happy Easter to all who celebrate it! Every Easter I visit my parents in my hometown. I was raised in a Catholic family and I went through questioning its rules and agenda. Today I am rather a spiritual seeker, interested in truth and its modifications and manifestations. Sometimes I see…
Tako i ja volim ‘svoju’ mačju obitelj pa sam počela izrađivati ova jedinstvena umjetnička djela prvo za sebe, a zatim i za druge. Nazvala sam ih Memento.
Memento je jedinstveni rad i uspomena na tu posebnu njušku, šapu ili repić i neraskidivu vezu.
Za izradu Memento rada koristim posebne materijale koje mi pošaljete. To je dlaka prikupljena od ‘Vašeg’ člana obitelji psa ili mačke tijekom svakodnevnog češljanja ili perja koje je prijateljica ptičica ostavila na tepihu.