It was a few years since I have written my last blog. In a way, social media posts have extended and replaced blogging, but blogging is still alive. I started the blog as a place to publish my art material and now, when it is all merged together, my new website and blog, it is still there as a reminder. Nowadays people like to have things clean and sharp, and I wonder, is it a bit too much obesity with clean and disinfection??? So, my old blog is alive until my Virgo purity takes me all in.
My new website is on and it was a taught assignment. If you have dealt with some kind of archive, books, you artwork, lists, sheets or whatsoever, you know how overwhelming it can be to organise stuff. I planned it would have taken one month but instead, and it took us, to my dear and great web designer and me, almost two and a half months, and still, we are dealing with some technical issues…It can be very frustrating and making me wish I discard all, take only paint and paper, with zero zeros and ones. But we have all heard the expression “if you are not online, you are underline” meaning, you do not exist. So, I will dedicate some time to research whether we need all those social accounts, x posts per week even when you do not have anything smart to say, and how can we create new and healthier social ways.
Until I find out that nobody is interested in these words except myself, which for now, this might be the case, I will post and try to be social-online. Because the truth is that it is hard to be social in the present situation when the majority of people we encounter are scared of close contact and not interested in arts, creativity or how to use it in everyday life. People are concerned with paying rents and mortgages and placing food on the table, with staying alive. How to stay alive is the question most artists I know and read are worried about. It is a few of those who are privileged to say – “oh, don’t you worry, just make good work and eventually, it will be discovered”. Oh please, please do not tell me this if I will write to you and ask for an advice. Because if I will write to you, that would mean that I have high opinion of you and your artistic practice, that you might be my role model. So, please can you spend a few minutes and think about that sentence or advice you will share with me or that person because it might just influence how they feel, think or act! No, the blame is not on you, it is responsibility which off course, no one puts on you but you yourself. Thank you.
And so, here I come again to the stage of introducing my new world to myself and you. It is a new world-of art entrepreneurship even though I still do not fully comprehend the meaning of the word. It means an artist who want to live from her/his work or one selling big in the market or becoming commercial? For me, it is a reason of pure practicality and the fact that if I want to offer my art pieces on the web shop, I need to have a company, due to Croatian law. It brings so many questions forward. I need to pay monthly obligations and taxes to the government and if I don’t, I would be prosecuted. Therefore, I better be serious with my art business. Serious business woman, serious artist, professional artist, that is what I shall become! Art market just waited for me! And all the doors went open and awed as I entered the world of art professionality. Because honestly, how easy is to find a gallery to sell your work? Waiting for it seems just too long and makes me feel passive. It seems, I need to try haaaaaaardeeeeeer and create better work, beeettter! What did you say – art world loves old ladies? Thanks to Heaven, I am getting there at least!
And with that touch of irony, I thank you for reading. Stay well!
The future is full of potentialities!
Love and cats,